Transgender taken as Judge in Lok Adalat in Nadia


Arnab Majumder, Sting Newz Correspondent, Nadia: Nadia District Lok Adalat ( Nadia District Legal Service Authority) honoured transgender Sumona Pramanik by placing him as one of the three Judges in the concerned Lok Adalat in Krishnanagar Court on Saturday. He was made Judge for Saturday only.

All over India, this Saturday was observed as a day of National Lok Adalat Day, said Maniklal Jana, Secretary, Nadia District Legal Service Authority. He added that they target to provide the legal services even to the marginal society including sex workers and poor sections.

Earlier, one transgender Jayita Mondal was given the same honour in Cooachbihar.

Informing the above Sumana Pramanik said, “My first big achievement was to receive gold medal from Governor for M.Sc. in Mathematics from Kalyani University. This was the second big achievement. It will encourage our community as they are mostly deprived and oppressed at the daily walk of life, like me.”

From childhood Sumona had been staying in Shakti Nagar in Nadia’s Krishnanagar. But due to the social deprivation he was compelled to leave home and begun to stay at Anandamayeetala in Krishnanagar.

However, this day, the hearing of huge cases took place. There were two more Judges with Sumana. However Sumana said,” I have learnt about 250 cases today. I am grateful and simultaneously proud for getting the chance of being Judge in NDLSA.”

Occasionally, Sumana raised the issues of hindrances and insultations to him from the society.

Rai Chattopadhyay, Chairman of NDLSA said that the department has the vision to connect people from all level of the society to the legal service. Adding Sumona as a Judge for the day is a part of that.

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