NSS Unit Dhubulia Shyamaprosad Shikshayatan organised Thalassemia Awareness seminar


Sting Newz Service: NSS Unit Dhubulia Shyamaprosad Shikshayatan (H.S) organised a Thalassemia Awareness seminar on 5th November, 2019. A Thalassemia detection camp and a Blood Group dectection camp also held by association with Thalassemia control unit Sadar Hospital Kishangar, Nadia under Govt. of West Bengal and Lions Club Dhubulia.

Spurces said, 86 numbers of NSS volunteers, 14 no’s of adopted villagers were present in this programme. 155 no’s sample were collected for Thalassemia screening and 81 blood group were detected .

Lokenath Samaddar (President of the MC), Noor Mahammad Khan (Headmaster), Dip Kr. Roy (Programme Officer-NSS), Teachers and Non-Teaching staff were present in this programme.

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