Sting Newz Service: In a bid to reconnect with Bengal’s rich heritage, the Jalangi Nadi Samaj is organizing its first traditional boat race, “Jalangite Jaloyuddha,” on November 9 near the Krishnanagar Rail Bridge. This event aims to rek indle the cultural connection that the people of Bengal once had with their rivers and boats.
Jalangi Nadi Samaj Revives Tradition with Boat Race Event
Historically, rivers were not just transportation routes but were central to Bengal’s social life, festivals, and sports. However, with the growing pollution and encroachments, rivers like Jalangi are now in a dire state. The society has been actively working for the last three years to raise awareness about river conservation, and this event is a part of their broader campaign to protect the Jalangi River.
The boat race, along with accompanying folk songs, is expected to bring people closer to the natural beauty of the river and remind them of Bengal’s long-standing traditions. The Jalangi Nadia Samaj invites everyone to participate and make this event a success.