Haringhata Municipality in Nadia got new chairman, BJP defeated by one vote only


Sting Newz Correspondent, Haringhata: Haringhata Municipality in Nadia got the new chairman on Wednesday. Manik Bhatta become the second chairman . He stated that he would give stress in developing the drainage system first.

“As the streets are concreatised, the development of drains are important now. So I intent to emphasize on drainage system, ” Bhatta said. He has the second priority for drinking water, he added.
The Haringhata Municipality is just about 4 years old. Rajib Dalal had been selected as the first Chairman. But TMC removed him from Chair recently as the major councillors were not accepting him.
A councillor said,” He paid no respect to the common people and beaten up number of persons without any sufficient reason. While he mis behaved with huge people, he did not spare the councillors.”
Recently when there was an unrest in this Municipality, a group of Councillors left TMC and joined BJP.

The Vice Chairman Dilip Roy too joined BJP. At this situation TMC prepared papers and make Sanjib Ram the Vice Chairman. Since resignation, Sanjib Ram was running the Municipality. However, the board of Councillors elected Manik Bhatta as new Chairman on Wednesday.

BJP had contested in the board meeting and was defeated by one vote only.
This Municipality has total 17 seats.
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