Samir Rudra, Sting Newz, Chapra, Nadia: A B.A. passed youth had given a bride of rupees 2 lakh to a tout with a hope to get a job in bank. Finally, he was deceived and his frustration compelled him to commit suicide by hang ing. It happened at Icchapur village in Nadia’s Chapra on Wednesday, a police sources said.
Family sources said that Sukanta Sandhkhan (24) was trying to get a job after completion his B.A. At the time he came in contact with a tout Papaya Hajra of Taherpur in Nadia.
He had assured him a bank job and taken rupees 2 lakh. But the date line of providing job crossed.
It gradually put Sukanta in frustration. He lost his money too. So he committed suicide.
The father of the diseased Raghunath Sandhukhan said, “I had collected the rupees of 2 lakh from (Bandhan) bank and from local against high rate of interest for the job of Sukanta. As he did not get the job, we were plunge in morbid state.On the other hand, the pawn brokers were pressurizing us to refund the loan with interest. It had depression him and he committed suicide by hanging on Tuesday night.”
However, his son was taken to Chapra Rural hospital and the physician declared him brought dead. Police said, the body was sent for Autopsy.