A man in Nadia’s Krishnagar rode a decorated road roller to marry a woman


Subrata Sarkar & Pradyut Dutta, Sting Newz Service, Nadia: Probably for the first time in India or in the world, a youth from a rich family rode a decorated roller to marry a woman on Sunday night. It happened at Krishnanagar Sonapatti near Challenge crossing in Nadia.

Arka Patra ( 30) of Krishnanagar Sonapatti married one Arundhuti Tarafdar of Krishnagar Ukilpara in Nadia, a Ph. D., on Sunday night. The wedding ceremony took place at Krishnanagar municipality lodge.
Arka, the son of a well-known goldsmith family in Krishnanagar said,”I like the vintage things. Side by side, I thought to make my wedding ceremony memorable and unique. I could take a vintage car. But that would not be new. I have heard someone went to marry on JCP, someone on horse. But I have not heard anybody to go on roller. So I decided it. My counterpart Arundhuti also accepted it.”
As the distance is of around 1 km. between the two spots of function, it also helped Arka to take the decision to go on roller.
Arka Patra, the bridegroom wanted to give a few small messages to the society through his marriage.
He likes vintage things. While he used roller of old model in spite of modern one, his associates ( bridegroom party) travelled to wedding on a mini bus of red and yellow colour used in Kolkata in place of new coloured mini bus used nowadays.
He said,” the concept of anything can be changed for betterment of the society. Marriage means loud Mike is not right. I wanted to give a message against sound and plastic pollution through my marriage. That is why there will be no Mike in my wedding reception. A flute player who plays flute on Dumdum metro rail station will play it in my reception without Mike. He will move around the home with playing flute. The ‘ Tatwa’ packets (the packets of various items sent to brides home traditionally) were made of paper, not of plastic. if thus concepts are changed, the society can be benefited.”
Arka also stated that roller would decrease the cost and he would spend the saved money for the poor children.
Kalyan Roy, one of the friends of Arka Patra said, “He always like uniqueness. It’s a history in Krishnagar. We, the friends are very pleased of becoming a witness of this unique marriage. May be the people laugh at my friends. But we don’t harm to any one. What the happening, that is good.”
However, the innovative and unique idea of using roller on way to marry, attracted locals and they gathered roadside to see it.

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